Thursday, 1 January 2009


What the hell is the deal with tongues?

Well apart from helping you speak and digest things?
They just get in the bloody way.

I have been completely unable to eat anything without being in complete agony for the past day due to biting my tongue THREE buggering times last night. Now I have a cut in it and it stings like a bitch.

Now how someone can bite their own tongue three times in one night is beyond me but somehow I have managed to, meaning I am either a complete 'tard or I just have a Fat tongue that doesn't fit in my mouth properly. I never used to have this problem so could it be linked to my old age now?

A question I shall never know the answer to.

For now I just have to put up with being unable to eat anything apart from the biggest of the three types of mars planets. They are the softest incase you are unaware.


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