God I hate the xmas rush.
Why do people always decide to leave things until the very last minute?
You have a whole year to buy things yet you come into my work at two minutes before closing time and buy 15 things which need to be collected from the back warehouse.
It's arseholes like that, that make my job a pain in the arse and my tea burnt.
Anyways I just hate the claustrophobic of all the shops and the fact you need to be either a size zero or have enough strength to push people out of the fucking way just to get from A to B.
Buy things of the internet you shit people. That's what it's there for and you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own house.
That's what I'm going to do when I have a house of my own. Internet shop. I might start throwing things at people in shops now to make them too scared to come back.
Sounds like a plan.
OH and another thing.
Why the hell does my boss decide to put on as little staff as she possibly can at the busiest time of year?
It just makes our job a hell of a lot more stressful and hectic.

your tea burnt?????