Saturday, 20 December 2008

The common cold.

The common cold

Bloody right it's common. Every bugger in town seems to have it.
The cold is the biggest sluts of all known Virus's. Or would it be Viri for plural? Hmmmm that's something I'll have to research. Just like sheep, cos you don't seem to hear people talking about Sheeps?

Is it just me or do I seem immune to every single type of remedy for it. Surely I'm meant to become immune to the virus rather than the medication that's meant to help treat it.

Nothing seems to work at all in aiding my speedy recovery. I've had constant sniffles for the past 4 months or so and they just don't seem to go away. My mum always tells me it's because I don't get enough sleep and I'm run down. MEH.

She's probably right mind you, but if I did sleep a lot then this blog would be a bit shit. I don't sleep as I'm out living life and getting experiences so I can come on here and talk complete and utter rubbish about them.

Someone find a proper cure for the common cold soon or I shall be upset. Upsetter than I already am.

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