Tuesday, 23 December 2008


Holy buggerations how much of an arsehole is DIGG.com

I have submitted so many stories yet none of them even seem to make it past the 1 Digg mark.
How in god's name do these people manage to get 1000's of diggs on their shitty story about how the stocks and the bonds are going all over the place, when I post one of a fat person on a moped and it gets none. Well apart from the 1 digg that I give it.

Surely someone else in the world of digg must find it funny. Perhaps everyone on digg is just out to get me.

Oh there's that pube beezer again with another of the funniest things I've ever seen. Shan't digg it though. Just because I'm a dick.

Digg me please.


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