Friday, 19 December 2008

Coleslaw- What's it all about?

Something that seriously pisses me off is Coleslaw. I mean what the shit.

Who the hell would invent putting raw vegetables in a creamy tangy sauce and then dumping it on a plate randomly with any meal you get at a restaurant. It just looks disgusting too.

Chicken burger and chips. Oh we'll put a blob of coleslaw on the plate too just to put them off their meal completely.

Baked Potato, Don't forget the coleslaw.

Next thing they'll be doing is putting coleslaw on soup as some sort of floating island.

I love all the vegetables that are in Coleslaw on their own, but combined it makes something that is putrid and completely sickening.

To sum it up there are three terrible things in this world.

3. Jandies ( a form of cooties only known about in the north east of scotland, resulting in scabby legs)

2. Aids ( Worldwide Killer)

1. Coleslaw (Worst of the worst invented by the devil himself)

I'm sure there are some people out there that do like coleslaw and are wondering what I'm going on about. Well I'm afraid that you are just sick. How can you say something like that is nice at all.

I won't rest until coleslaw is banned in every country in the world. Apart from the shitty ones because nobody really cares about them.



  1. 3. Jandies ( a form of cooties only known about in the north east of scotland, resulting in scabby legs)

    2. Aids ( Worldwide Killer)

    1. Coleslaw (Worst of the worst invented by the devil himself)

    ...what about facebook?

  2. haha Facebook is number 4 on my list of shit things.
