Friday, 19 December 2008


Ah good old facebook. Complete and utter bullshit that seems to have become superbly popular for being the best social networking site in the world.


Facebook is only good if you want to be bitten by vampires or running your own mob. In other words being bugged out of your tits by invites to shitty applications every two minutes.

I mean who in their right mind would want to know "which type of cocktail drunk by that man over there when he goes to the pub after having sex with his dog at the back of the bike sheds are you?"

The applications people build are complete and utter nonsense and do nothing but take up my time deleting all the fucking invites.

I could have a lot of time for facebook if it got rid of the unnecessary features that it seems to love.
Bring back the Marketplace you shits, I lived in that place for a good 4 months and it brought me a lot of prosperity.

The rise in social networks these days seems to be ever increasing with new ones popping up every second day. When will it end?

Ending on a high note though, I just got a bounty in my advent calendar......Time to update my Facebook Status.


Oh and by the way why when i googled for facebook in google images did this come up as the 4th picture?

I think my point has been proven right there.


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